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Smithfield Foods: What Does Manufacturing Mean to You?

111 Commerce Street
Smithfield, VA 23430
10.05.23 - 10.07.23
Virtual Event
MFG Day - 2023

Smithfield Foods wants to hear from you! In recognition of Manufacturing Day 2023, we would like to recognize our Smithfield Team members by hearing how the manufacturing industry has positively impacted their family, friends and community. Please complete this form and share how the manufacturing industry has made a positive impact on you.

About Manufacturing Day | The Manufacturing Institute Held annually on the first Friday in October with events that continue throughout the month, MFG Day—Manufacturing Day—helps show the reality and future of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, educators and community leaders. As manufacturers seek to fill 4 million high-skill, high-tech and high-paying jobs over the next decade, MFG Day empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges and build excitement about manufacturing careers so they can help their communities and future generations thrive

How To Join This Event

Virtual Event -

Organization Information
111 Commerce Street, Smithfield, VA, USA
employs nearly 60,000 people in seven countries and partners with thousands of American farmers. As one of the world's leading vertically integrated protein companies, we are dedicated to producing "Good food. Responsibly.®" to feed a growing world population. We have pioneered sustainability standards for more than two decades, including our...
Contact Information
Jessica Jones
Event Information
Event Type
Other (specify in description)