BioFabUSA: BioFab Futures Webinar Series
How To Join This Event
BioFab Futures is a career exploration and planning module that is faciliated by ARMI | BioFabUSA, a biomanufacturing and biofabrication hub in Manchester, NH. This program consists of asynchronous virtual sessions that help students understand their interests, passions, career aspirations. After engaging in these sessions, students will create an Action Plan to begin to explore a certain career in biofabrication that is perfectly matched with their goals. Careers in biomanufacturing take all forms, and these modules will help students from all backgrounds envision and plan for the educational and career pathways to get where they want to go.
October 25 @ 3:30pm - BioFab Futures Kick-off Session - This session will introduce ARMI | BioFabUSA and its overall mission. A case story will be presented to students that demonstrates the moral imperative of the work that we are trying to accomplish. The logistics of the program will also be introduced during this session.
October 25 @ 3:30pm - What is your passion? - This session will prompt students to think broadly about their lives and a cause they care about, and will allow students to understand that almost any problem can be viewed through the lens of biofabrication.
October 26 @ 3:30pm - What do you like and what are you good at? - This session will prompt students to think about their academic interests and strengths and how these interests can connect to careers in biofabrication. Academic classwork will be compared to careers in the field, allowing students to understand how their current skills can transfer to the workforce.
October 27 @ 3:30pm - How do you envision your life at work? - This session will prompt students to consider their optimal work scenario, such as work environment, salary, benefits, company size, and more.
October 28 @ 3:30pm - What are your plans after high school? - Student will be introduced to the diversity of pathways that exist in order to work towards careers in biofabrication. This session will prompt students to think about their post-secondary goals and other factors related to pursuing a potential pathway of interest.
October 29 @ 3:30pm - Biofabrication Pathways and Career Discussion - This session provides resources to help students accomplish the goals that they set for themselves, such as specific academic programs and careers. Students will hear about real stories of people who have entered the biofabrication industry and will leave with a passion to pursue the pathways laid out in their personalized Action Plan.
- Click here to register