NEW: Explore Resources for Job and Career Pathways!

ABB New Berlin - Virtual MFG Day Experience

16250 West Glendale Drive
New Berlin, WI 53151
09.28.20 - 10.02.20
Virtual Event
ABB is working with Edge Factor to provide a week-long STEAM experience for students around the country to showcase the real (and exciting) world of manufacturing! Every day highlights different career pathways to explore how Science, Technology, Enginering, Art, and Math can apply to manufacturing careers. The curated collection of films, activities, lessons, etc. will raise student awareness and excitement about careers and advanced technology available in the world of manufacturing.

How To Join This Event

Click the link below to register to access all the STEAM content available in EdgeFactor for Manufacturing Day!


Additionally, ABB New Berlin will be hosting a virtual panel on Zoom with company leadership to talk about their experience and careers with manufacturing at ABB on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1PM (Central Time).
Meeting ID: 998 2893 9151

Organization Information
16520 West Glendale Drive, New Berlin, WI 53151
ABB is the leading supplier of drives for industries, infrastructures, integrators and machine builders, with a history of manufacturing drives for more than 45 years. ABB boosts process productivity, improves efficiency, and cuts maintenance costs.
Contact Information
Lori Tocco
Event Information
Event Type