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JREC: Manufacturing Day

6000 College Lane
Jamestown, ND 58405
8:00am - 12:00pm UTC-1200
In-person Event
The Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center will be hosting a Manufacturing Day to raise awareness by students, parents, teachers, and career counselors about modern manufacturing and the exciting career choices in the industry.
Organization Information
6000 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405, USA
The Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center was established to create rural startups in the counties of Wells, Foster, Griggs, Stutsman, Barnes, Logan, LaMoure, McIntosh and Dickey. We offer entrepreneurship events to gather and network individuals interested in various industries. As well, we provide customized training and individual technical assistance to assist...
Contact Information
Katherine Roth
Event Information
Event Type
Manufacturing Expo
6000 College Lane
Jamestown, ND 58405